MS Heimat - New motorisation
Electric drive in a historical witness
Starting point
The MS Heimat, built in 1933 and conventionally powered by a diesel engine, is in daily use throughout the year for up to 12 trips between Maur and Uster on Lake Greifen. The scheduled trips are part of the public transport service and are carried out as part of a transport contract with the Zurich Transport Association (ZVV). The ship is also used for special trips such as wedding receptions and transfers.
The Schifffahrts-Genossenschaft Greifensee (SGG) realised the conversion of the MS Heimat from diesel operation to full electric propulsion with Shiptec AG; after an international tender, we were awarded the contract in September 2021. The main reason for this was our extensive experience gained from various projects with hybrid drives. By measuring the load profile beforehand, we were able to optimally design the power of the electric drive and the size of the batteries to meet the customer's needs. With an overnight charge of the lithium-ion batteries, the course can be operated throughout the day, and in addition there is enough reserve power for an extra trip in the evening. With the 99 kWh batteries installed, these requirements are met in full.
By converting from diesel to fully electric propulsion, the SGG reduced CO2 emissions by around 10 tonnes per year. The goal of creating an environmentally friendly and sustainable transport option with the course ship converted to full electric propulsion has thus been achieved. The electrification is to be in harmony with the Greifensee nature reserve and at the same time the MS Heimat is to be preserved as a historically relevant contemporary witness of the motorisation of the region; also in its appearance. We are very pleased that we were able to successfully implement the project!